Sunday, 25 February 2018

Evil Warriors - Beastman

One of the essential minions of Skeletor's Evil Warriors, and yet somehow one of the few main characters I never had as a toy. Like with Skeletor, I went with a bright colour scheme, based on the Filmation look, while trying to embody the toy nature with an almost plastic look and feel. The miniature is another wonderful Boris Woloszyn sculpt released by Quest Miniatures. It's actually even more orange in the flesh, but for some reason all the pictures kept toning it down. The first picture is the closest to the actual skin tone.

Trying to ambush He-Man alongside his master:

Emerging from Snake Mountain:


  1. Looks very good! Nice and bright contrast with Skeletor.

    1. Thanks! I'm well pleased with my Evil Warriors so far. They make He-Man look a bit drab in contrast, but then there is not much you can do to brighten him up short of giving him yellow hair.

    2. Maybe put him on a bright green tiger? :)

  2. Fantastic work. The orange looks outrageously evil against the purple of Snake Mountain.

    1. Thanks, now that you mention it, it does make him look very hellish.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! They seem to bring out the very best of my painting skills. Amazing figures.
